Collaborative Condition Monitoring and distributed AI in machine tools

ProLern - ProKInect


Operators of modern machine tools place the highest demands on machine availability and reliability. 

Quality deviations in the manufacturing process due to incipient wear or a malfunction cannot be clearly assigned to a part or component using existing approaches to preventive and predictive maintenance. 

Manufacturers, operators and users of modern machine tools therefore need to understand the quality-determining interaction of a large number of installed components and the machine tool itself, recognise changes in condition at an early stage and proactively avoid production downtimes.

With ProKInect, we aim to demonstrate collaborative condition monitoring with diagnostic capabilities in secure data spaces.


Data confidentiality

 Cooperative learning of AI agents in shared data spaces.


 Mutual exchange of information between AI agents of all actors with interpretable models.


Distribution of manufacturer- or component-specific AI agents spatially and across different across different hierarchy levels of the machine tool.



Funding: This research and development project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the “The Future of Value Creation – Research on Production, Services and Work” program (project ProKInect – funding number 02P20A090) and managed by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA).
